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ApoE Isoforms Inhibit Amyloid Aggregation of Proinflammatory Protein S100A9 published in ACS Chemical Neuroscience published in MDPI International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Our research paper titled ApoE Isoforms Inhibit Amyloid Aggregation of Proinflammatory Protein S100A9, authored by Shamasree Ghosh, Shanmugam Tamilselvi, Chloe Williams, Sanduni W. Jayaweera, Igor A. Iashchishyn, Darius Šulskis, Jonathan D. Gilthorpe, Anders Olofsson, Vytautas Smirnovas, Željko M. Svedružić, and Ludmilla A. Morozova-Roche (research group), has been published in special issue A Commemorative Issue in Honour of Rudolf Virchow: From Cell Morphology to Molecular Pathology-Volume 2 of MDPI open access journal International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

Professor Željko M. Svedružić passed away on 20 April 2023 and this article is dedicated to his memory.